BEAUTIFUL Dog-Friendly Morning Walks at Salt Creek Beach

Salt Creek Beach with Mom

Wow! What a morning!  Mom and I haven’t been to Salt Creek Beach in FUREVER!  It’s one of my most favorite places for dog-friendly walks!  I LOVE it so much it’s the main pic on my blog!  We decided to head down this morning to enjoy the beach air and sounds for Mom’s morning off!

We usually park on the street next to the library so I can check out the dog park and swing by the rose garden (and get the extra walk in) but, today the street parking was full.  So, we ended up parking in the beach parking lot.  Mom clocked it; round trip, parking lot to the north beach resting area, down to the south beach resting area and back to the car was about 6600 steps.  Mom says we were shooting for our daily 10,000 but I had FUN no matter how many steps we took!  It was so great out today!  There’s so much grassy park and areas next to the beach where us doggy families can hang out, it never feels very crowded.  But, weekdays are the BEST!  It’s usually just the locals enjoying the ocean pace of life.  My kinda life!

We took our time enjoying the peacefulness. I also took some water fountain and shade breaks. Hee Hee.  We saw pelicans and sea gulls floating in the ocean next to 2 dolphin who were enjoying their morning as well!  A few surfer dudes and dudettes were riding waves. Spring is one of my favorite times of year at Salt Creek Beach because the sun isn’t too hot in the morning.  The end of Fall (mid October to mid December) is usually pretty nice too!  Overall, today was super mellow, relaxing and beautiful – which is the way I love it!  Mom and I also had some fun taking selfies 🙂

Lots of Scooby Hugs!
