Yes! Pups Needs SPF too!

Did you know dogs can get sunburns and even worse, cancer if out in the hot sun and not protected? SPF protection should be at the top of your list

for pups as well as people when out on your favorite #dogadventure! The newer spf lightweight pop-up tents are amazing for the whole family pack! Don’t forget to use some doggy snout protection and doggy spf spray between shade breaks for maximum protection for some pup fun in the sun! Be careful what you choose for yourself and for your pup! Many products are toxic to dogs according to this noteworthy article. For people you ask? The only people SPF that I trust that is safe and non-toxic is Badger. Badger SPF and Badger Bug repellant has always been a staple in our backpack on all our Scooby and #dogmom outings! Wishing you a fun-filled, safe summer! What do you have planned? #doghealth #dogsafety #dogadventures #fureverscooby #thescoobylife