Train Your Dog At Home! 30 Day Perfect Pup Week 3 – How Did You Do?

Ella Smith Practicing Training Commands in the Park
Ella Smith Practicing Training Commands in the Park

Is Your Dog Biting?

Does Your Dog Chew on Things they are not Suppose to?

Does Your Dog Come when You call them in the House, Yard or in Public?

Does Your Dog Have Other “Problem” Behavior You would like to Correct?

If you are struggling with any of these Dog Training areas, Week 3 of the FREE 30 Day Perfect Pup by Zak George and Pupford is made for you!

If you’ve been following us you know Scooby was pretty much the perfect boy! Scooby was rescued as a Senior by a wonderful Weimaraner rescue at 8 years old. Mom saw his intake as soon as he was posted and knew she had to meet him – and the rest is theScoobylife history (you can read our journey here in his blog)! Scooby was Mr. Zen, LOVED his kitty siblings and hanging with his bestie dog friends!

Ella and Luna were also rescued by another wonderful rescue at a very young age (Luna was 6 months old and deathly ill and Ella was under 2 years old). Ella and Luna immediately LOVED Mom and were thankful for a warm home, dog beds and blankies – but having kitty siblings, people and dog friends was completely foreign to them. Ella and Luna almost immediately showed fear aggression and protection issues. As you can imagine this was eye opening for Mom and she knew she had to up her dog training game immediately to help Ella and Luna have the best lives. There’s so much information available so…where to start?

Can I Train My Dog Myself at Home?

The Answer is a Resounding YES!

Dog Training from a variety of resources is essential in helping your dog learn to be the BEST doggy citizen and it all starts at home! It’s important that YOU receive the BEST guidance so YOU learn HOW to Train Your Dog and not make mistakes which may set you and your dog back. Guided At Home Training also enables you to see where your dog’s strengths are and how far you can go on your own. Then, if necessary, you see where you may need assistance from a reputable, local trainer.

How Do I Train My Dog at Home?

Start with the Basic Core Commands with our FREE 8 Week At Home Training Guide. One command per week and Mom’s FAV Instructional videos from her favorite trainers on the internet are delivered to your inbox weekly deeply focus on commands and bonding. Practice at home, on walks, in the yard – every moment you can because it trains YOU to be consistent too!

Scoobylife At Home Training Guide
Scoobylife At Home Training Guide

Then, sign up for Zak George’s FREE 30 Day Perfect Pup Course and learn new training skills AND address core commands through another approach!

We are already in Week 3 of Zak’s course! Ella has a “happy” nibble that needs to be corrected (not really a bite but she’s too big and “grown” to still be doing it). Luna comes when she feels like it and in slo-mo which also needs work. Ella jumps first thing in the morning because she’s so excited and Luna jumps when she see’s her granny nanny. At 75 lbs and 65 lbs this is totally not acceptable! So…Week 3 has been super helpful!

What to Train Your Dog

If you’re just getting started, do one series (theScoobylife Free 8 Week At Home Training or 30 Day Perfect Pup by Zak George) at a time and move through the commands on schedule. It’s ok if they are not perfect – just keep going to the end. After you’ve moved through the commands you can revisit the entire training or go back to the skills that need the most work! That’s what we the furSmiths do! THEN, practice, practice, practice every chance you get! Training is fulfilling for both you and your Pup – it keeps you bonded, connected AND helps your dog have the happiest life!


Have Fun and Let us know how you’re doing in the comments or tag us @theScoobylife on social media!