theScoobylife At Home Dog Training Week 8: Mix it Up!

Learn / Refresh Core Commands with theScoobylife Pack!

Scoobylife Mountain Theme Illustration

Congwats! You Completed Train at Home with Scoobylife!

How did you and your Pup do? Which Commands were the easiest? Which Commands were the most challenging?

Now that we’ve worked through all of the Core Commands, you probably felt some (or all) needed more work. We agree! So, let’s run through all or some of the Core Commands one more time!

Train at Home with Scoobylife Week 8: Mix it Up – Revisit all Commands

For our Final week, let’s focus on the most challenging commands AND mix all the commands randomly at home, on walks, in front of other people and pups so they become habit for you and your pups!

Be sure to look through all the Helpful Tips and Videos again with a fresh pair of eyes to see how you can better help your Pup learn the Commands!

Pre-Work: Eye Contact

Week 1: SIT

Week 2: Recall (Come / Here)

Week 3: Loose Leash Walking / Heel

Week 4: STAY

Week 5: Leave It

Week 6: Down

Week 7: Wait

We can’t wait to hear how your Train at Home with theScoobylife went! We’d WUV hear how you and your pup did and to see your pics and videos so we can share with the rest of da Pack! Email them to!

Stay tuned…after a 4 week break we’re going to join a Free 30 day challenge with one of Mom’s Favowite Youtube Trainers! Any guesses who? We’ll send you sign up info soon!

Have a great week of mixing and mastering commands!