theScoobylife At Home Dog Training Week 5: Leave It!

Learn / Refresh Core Commands with theScoobylife Pack!

Learn / Refresh Core Commands with theScoobylife! Week 5: Leave It!

How was your Week 4: Stay! Training? We are excited to have YOU our Virtual Pack Member join us to Bond with your Pup and Deepen Your Commands as we go through this at-home training journey together!

Ella, Luna and I definitely need to deepen our training with the Stay! Command! We need to increase the distance and time as we go. Their little “Stays” are good but they have “squirrel” syndrome and ants in their pants if it takes toooooo long!

It’s time for our next Command… Leave It!

Leave It! is super important so your pups don’t get into things that could make them sick or potentially injure them (rattlesnakes come to mind because the weather is getting warmer). But mastering Leave It! to keep your pups out of the trash or from picking things up from the ground is super useful for everyday living as well!

Check out the following videos to help you get started on your Leave It! Week 5 at-home training…

Another Leave It! Guide from Best Friends Animal Society

Best Friends has a great page on Leave It! Training. While you’re visiting Best Friends, feel free to leave them a donation! They are a Pawsome Rescue and are Scoobylife approved! 🙂

Don’t forget during your Week 5 Leave It! At-Home Training

Continue to incorporate all the previous trainings into all of your training activities! Also inject the commands randomly throughout each day. Repetition is the key to success!

Week 1: Sit

Week 2: Recall (Here/ Come)

Week 3: Loose Leash Walk / Heel

Week 4: Stay

If you’re just joining theScoobylife At-Home Training Challenge

Don’t worry! Start with Week 1 and build through each week – then repeat command weeks as needed!

It’s so exciting to watch Ella and Luna grow into the happy go lucky dogs in public that they are at home through love, patience and training! They’ve come leaps and bounds since I picked them up straight from rescue 6 months ago. They were sick, scared and wreaked of urine and poop. They had never been walked on a leash and Luna had been literally starving to death. Ella had tears running out of her eyes after her first meal.

Now it’s time to help Ella, Luna and your Pup to the next level of calm and confident energy! Share your journey with us! Send photos to to show us your at-home training or tag @theScoobylife on social media!

Happy Training!