Stay-Cation in the So OC!

Scooby near the Train At Los Rios District in San Juan Capistrano

Yay!  Mom took a Friday off so we could enjoy some summer in our own beach town!  First we went to Doheny Beach and watched the volley ball teams and the surfers.  It sure is nice to get some ocean air and breeze on  a week day!  It’s been super hot this week so we went early so it would be cooler.  After that, we went to San Juan Cappy for a little brekkie (that’s surfer for breakfast). 🙂 Mom was STARVING and we were both hot so……..we decided to enjoy the shady patio at Hummingbird House Cafe.  It was nice and quiet except for the train passing by occasionally – which we actually think is pretty cool.  A little lizard (who obviously loves the shady patio as well) hung out with us for a bit!  Mom brought my greenie so I could have a snack and the nice waitress gave me a BIG bowl of water so I could stay cool.  Mom ordered a spinach crepe.  I had a little taste and it was DE-lish!  I highly recommend that you take your humans to Hummingbird House cafe.  Mom’s already planning our next visit!



Hey Amtrak!
Crepe Lunch on the Patio at Hummingbird Cafe!
Da Lizzard Fwiend wanted to join us for Lunch it was so tastey!
They even serve me fresh water!
A Peak at the Menu!