Scoobylife PawVentures™ Smart Water Bottle and Canteen with Advanced Filter
Scoobylife by PawVentures® Smart Water Bottles with Advanced Water Filters can be used in daily to extreme conditions in turbid and stagnant water. It is ideal for hiking, traveling around the world, biking, camping, fishing and for natural disaster or emergency preparedness with water of unknown quality. (Not to be used with salt water.)
How Scoobylife PawVentures™ Portable Dog Water Bottles with Advanced Filters Work
Self Filtering Water Bottles from Scoobylife by PawVentures® have an exclusive Ionic Adsorption Micro-Filtration system to give you the cleanest H2O on the Go! Each Filter provides contaminant reduction by adsorption, absorption, chemical bonding, chelation, and depth filtration to guarantee you the greatest amount of reduction per contaminant!
The high-tech, porous, BPA-free, micro-filter is infused with both the finest-granulated activated coconut carbon and exclusive adsorbing media. Each filter has uniform 2-micron absolute pore size for the assured reduction and removal of all four areas of contamination.
Removal of contaminants with carbon is a surface phenomenon known as adsorption, resulting from the molecular attraction of substances to the surface of the carbon. The controlled 2-micron filter contains thousands of interconnected omni-directional pores that result in a “tortuous path” for superior analyte reduction. By forcing the source water through the filter, contaminants and pollutants are removed, while beneficial trace minerals remain.

Clean Your H2O On the Go -Save the Planet AND Save Your Money!
Scoobylife PawVentures™ Portable Dog Water Bottles…
- Filters up to 150 Gallons of Non-Saline Water (THAT’S 1200 16oz Plastic Water Bottles Folks)!
- Non-BPA Leaching Plastic
- Human Grade Personal Water Filtration System
- Features Unique Ionic Adsorption Micro-Filtration Technology
- Removes up to 99.99% reduction in all four areas of contamination:
Aesthetic ~ Chemicals ~ Dissolved Solids ~ Radiological
What Scoobylife PawVentures™ Advanced Water Filters Remove
The micro-porous body of the filter spearheads the removal of what is referred to as the “A, C, D and R” of water contamination:
- Aesthetic – unpleasant taste and odors, cloudiness, silt, sediment, chlorine, and chlorine byproducts
- Chemicals – toxic chemicals (VOCs), trihalomethanes, PCBs, PCEs, detergents, herbicides and pesticides.
- Dissolved Solids – heavy metals including aluminum, fluoride, cadmium, chromium 6, copper, lead, arsenic, and mercury
- Radiological – gross beta, radon 222, alpha radium 226, uranium, plutonium, cesium 134 and cesium 137.

Scoobylife by PawVentures® Ionic Adsorption Micro Filters are Filter manufactured in the USA and tested both Nationally and Internationally to NSF / ANSI Standards 42 & 53 by Broward Testing Laboratory.
Our Advanced Water Filters can be used with any type of water source; tap or rainwater, rivers, streams or even lakes (Excluding salt water). Each Filter is designed for use with water that is non-turbid, non-stagnant and removes up to 99.99% of contaminants and pollutants found in fresh water supplies including:
- Aesthetics such as chlorine, sediment and dirt
- Chemicals (VOC’s) such as DDT, MTBE, benzene, chloroforms (THM’s)
- Dissolved solids (heavy metals) such as arsenic, lead, mercury, copper, zinc, aluminum, chromium 6
- Our Advanced Water Filter also removes up to 90% of fluoride.
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