Scooby Sundays at Niguel Botanical Preserve!

Ella, Luna and Froggy visiting Scooby at his Bench

Saturday afternoon I was notified that Scooby’s Dedication Bench was installed at Niguel Botanical Preserve and was ready for visitors! Scooby and I spent lots of time meandering around the Botanical Garden enjoying the flowers, listening to the wind in the leaves and the birds singing. So, when the Preserve notified Mom they finally had a bench in need of replacement, I knew it was the perfect Dedication for Scooby!

Scooby and I would usually walk the entire Botanical Preserve early mornings on the weekends before it got too hot. Scooby was able to hone his photography assistant skills at the Preserve because there are so many beautiful flowers, trees and birds! In fact, there are 18 acres of land, 2000 plant species and 4 miles of hiking paths right in the center of Laguna Niguel! Once you step into any of the entrances you are automatically transported “into the woods” so, what better quote for Scooby’s plaque than “Going into the Woods is going Home” by Eastern Sierra author, John Muir?

Early Sunday morning Ella, Luna and I packed up snacks, our camera, Scooby’s Water Bottle and Bowl and of course, Froggy, and headed out to spend some quality time with Scooby at his bench!

Scooby Sundays with Ella & Luna at Scooby’s Bench
Scooby’s Bench is the Star (of course)!

Niguel Botanical Preserve is a beautiful place to lose yourself with a peaceful stroll, nature photo shoot or to read a good book. They are dedicated to preserving plant species so please consider donating on their website – if you do, please add “in honor of Scooby”. They knew and loved Scooby too! If you get a chance I hope you will visit Scooby’s peaceful Bench within the Garden and say hello to our Scooby Angel.

