Scooby & Becky Almost Saw Aliens at Mammoth Lakes :)

This time last year Scooby and Becky were livin’ theScoobylife soakin’ up some sun, enjoying morning hikes and afternoon naps at their annual Summer Vaca spot….you guessed it, Tamarack Lodge in Mammoth. As usual, it was PAWSOME!

Our last day was quite eventful, however….Scooby scared off a big ol’ orange bear that was sniffing at the bottom of the porch in mid morning! Becky joined him in the “get away from my pack, you big bear” barkfest! Actually, they both would have broken through the adirondack chair barrier if I hadn’t caught them. Eek! But, I do have to say I was quite proud of them both! Scooby was in the middle of chemo and Becky is half Scooby’s size but they both were in vicious protect mode.

Apparently narrowly missed the Aliens that descended and wreaked havoc on our beloved Twin Lakes property! Well, at least that’s the story in the the new movie, Rim of the World, starting on Netflix today! We saw (and heard) all the props and setup crew rolling in early on our last day. We watched them set up the entry to Tamarack to transform it into the Kids’ Summer Camp! Woosh, thank goodness we missed the Aliens and thank goodness even more that we missed that whole noisy scene which threatened our peaceful nature retreat!

Besties, Scooby, Mom and Becky

Scooby and Becky did get some extra pets from the Security team so, that made them happy before heading back down Highway 395 🙂

P.S. Rim of the World Trailer just posted on Youtube… Tell them Scooby sent you!

One Reply to “Scooby & Becky Almost Saw Aliens at Mammoth Lakes :)”

  1. what a beautiful area. And happy you were leaving before the big bad movie disrupted it all for you! Way to go Scoobie and Becky!!!

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