Pet Insurance…To Insure or Not to Insure?

Zachy and Mom waiting in the Parking Lot due to Covid Protocols

I’ve gone back and forth with pet insurance. I didn’t have any particular issue with pet insurance except managing it. In the early years it wasn’t very streamlined and the paperwork….well, paperwork…eek! Looking back I wish I had insured Scooby as soon as I adopted him but Pet Insurance was still a hassle 7 years ago. It sure could’ve have hurt to have had it for all of Scooby’s chemo tests and treatments however.

Scooby and his Bestie Vet Dr. B

Boy, have things changed! These days, everything is online, easy to pay, easy to submit invoices and so far very easy to manage! So, when my company added Pets Best Insurance to our pre-paid benefits I thought “why not”?! Zach and Lovey are now over 10 years old and while they’ve never had any major medical issues now is the best time to get pet insurance – while they are healthy! So, I signed them up! (I was still fostering Luna and Ella during the enrollment period so I will enroll them next year)!

Well, out of the blue last week Mr. Zachy (Scooby’s Younger 11 year old Rescue Cat Fur Brother and BFF) started acting oddly. I could tell he did not feel well at all. Zach was super fatiqued – sleeping in unusual positions and places and he began not doing the things he wuved (like hanging out his Rabbit Hutch in his beloved catio) as much. Then, Zachy started sneezing. Soon after that, he had a rattling cough, congestion, runny left eye and nose. So, I made and appointment to see Dr. B and off we went! Zach was beginning to look like his healthy self again the day of his appointment but I believe you can never be too careful with senior pets.

After waiting in the drive-in theater feeling parking lot (due to Covid / no Pawrent protocol) they came to get Zach so he could see Dr. B. She said she felt he had just fought off a severe cold and other than some remaining sniffles and slightly watery eye she thought probiotics for kitties was his best medicine to fight off his kitty cold. (He also has some mild tartar). So, after the big car adventure AND since he was already there we thought doing a baseline senior kitty health panel was in good measure.

Today I logged into the insurance website to check out what I needed to do and it was soooooo easy! All I had to do was upload Zach’s digital invoice and voila! I was finished! While I was there I added my direct deposit info so after the deductible is met whatever balance is due to me can be easily credited to my account. Insurance payments can easily be paid online as well! I’m not sure if things can get much easier to insure your pets!

Ella and Luna are super young and healthy but I know from Sable that young dogs are accident magnets so I’ll be insuring them next! If you’d like to give Pet’s Best Insurance a try, click on our referral link and let us know what you think!

Stay safe and healthy out there!



Note: Some links include our referral code and theScoobylife makes a small commission at no extra cost to you! We SUPER appreciate when you use our links to keep this PawVenture rolling! Some links expire after a 24 hours so please come back to grab it just before you make your purchase! Thank Yooooo!

Ella, Luna & Mom