Pet Grief – Returning To JOY by Kristi Hugstad!

Pet Grief - Returning To JOY by Kristi Hugstad
Pet Grief – Returning To JOY by Kristi Hugstad

It’s been 2 years Since Scooby became an Angel furSmith. It’s quite unbelievable. So much has happened since then yet, so much stays the same. Pet Grief Hurts. Pet Grief Inspires. Scooby is still very much a part of Mom, Zach and Lovey’s days, hearts and memories. Have you seen our blog? Scooby inspires us!

Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links which means we earn a little commission if you make a purchase using our links – at no additional cost to you. We only recommend products that we really WUV and hope you will too! THANK YOOOO for supporting our blog!

Zachy carries on traditions he learned from Scooby and teaches Ella and Luna every day! (Like the joys of having a little coconut oil during Mom’s get ready routine). Weird, but that was Zach and Scooby’s thing! Now Zach, Ella and Luna run into the room after Mom is finished “getting ready” to get their “coci-nut” oil! Super cute! Scooby was also an inspiration to his Auntie Kristi who included him in her Pet Loss book, Returning to Joy!

Ella and Luna have become full fledged furSmiths! They learned how to live theScoobylife through their kitties, Zachy and Lovey who were taught by big brother Scooby! It’s taken an army of dog loving strangers, our bestest trainers, Ryan Furlet (San Clemente) and Adriana Emerson (La Quinta) to help Ella and Luna embrace Scooby’s Zen Spirit. We get closer every day!

How to Deal With the Grief of Losing a Dog

Scooby’s Auntie Kristi Hugstad (aka The Grief Girl) was so excited to tell Mom that Scooby would be featured in her new, Beautiful Book, Returning to JOY! Kristi became a Grief Recovery Specialist to help others navigate Grief after the tragic suicide of her husband, Bill. During her grief, Kristi became a noted author, speaker and guest expert for several national television shows on suicide and grief. Because of her fierce love and passion for her Dogs and Cats Kristi wrote Returning to JOY for all of us Fwiends!

Returning To JOY

Comfort, Hope & Inspiration for Mourning the Loss of Your Dog

Can you find Scooby below? 🙂

Scooby Smith Featured in Returning To Joy by Kristi Hugstad
Scooby Smith Featured in Returning To JOY by Kristi Hugstad

Scooby Wuved spending time walking, hanging his head out da window during Earth Wind and Fire Car Pawties (haha), dining at his favowite dog-friendly restaurants and taking an occasional pilates class with Mom and Auntie Kristi! He would be honored to be in his Auntie’s book! Mom is so proud that Scooby continues to help others through Returning to JOY – which is full of beautiful photos of loved dogs and spiritual quotes of love, gratitude and remembrance! It’s a perfect book for yourself or as a thoughtful gift for someone special.

Thanks Auntie Kristi! We WUV YOOOOOOO!

Returning to JOY for Dog Lovers and Cat Lovers are available Amazon

How to Get Over a Pet’s Death?

Navigating death and loss of our pets is so hard. Our grief is a mirror of our love. Although you will never “get over” their death, your sadness and pain can become more manageable over time. One day the wonderful memories and joy we have in our heart can supersede our grief.

We created a Free Grieve and Celebrate Your Pet Page to help you move through heart breaking loss of your pet. Our Grieving Your Pet page is full of resources to help you during your grief journey. Our Celebrate Your Pet Page is also available to help you keep your best memories of your beloved fur baby alive!

We hope you find something which resonates with you to help you through your grief journey.

Tag us @theScooblife on social media to share your favorite thing or memory about our pet to make us ALL smile!

Pet Grief Scooby featured in Returning to JOY
Pet Grief Scooby featured in Return To JOY