Pet-Friendly Holiday Food Tips!

Ella & Luna Enjoying the Dana Point Harbor Christmas Tree

The Holiday preparations have begun and we all want to include our fur family in the festivities but what’s tasty to us pawrents can really wreak havoc with out fur kids’ digestive systems – and even worse. So, try to stick to their normal food with their normal treats to keep them safe and healthy with possibly a little extra “clean” treat on the top of their food.

Also, remember to think like your extra curious sniffing dogs, cats and pets and keep food, chocolate, candy and other potentially dangerous items out of their “reach” (especially spiderman kitties like Mr. Zachy)! Make that extra effort to move, cover and clean up after dinner “just in case”.

Here’s some super helpful advice from the San Diego Humane Society to help make your Holidays Festive fur all!

San Diego Humane Society Holiday Tips for Pets

Have a safe, fun and tasty Holiday Fwiends!!!