We Have New Wild Neighbors in the ‘Hood!

Scooby Checking out our hood for wild ones

We’ve had several new “neighbors” move in recently. Mom says that even though they are beautiful that all fur Moms and Dads should watch out for all predator wildlife that roams your neighborhood or may be present during your outings.

Coyotes, bobcats, hawks & owls…..

Coyote Pup behind our house.

These are what are most common in So. Orange County and we have them all in our neighborhood! Even though I’m 70 lbs, coyotes can hurt me if they travel in packs. In fact, someone in Mom’s Weim Facebook group had their Weim attacked in South Carolina. The Dad had to actually fight the coyote off their poor Weim! We were SHOCKED!  

So, have fun but don’t take wild animals for granted.  Be aware of your surroundings and know what wildlife visits or lives in your neighborhood. Kitties shouldn’t be outside, period.  Little dogs should always be in a harness on a short, regular leash (not retractable) so Moms and Dads can pull them up right away if predators attack.

We don’t want you to be afraid.  In fact, Mom loves taking pictures of our local wildlife. She says they are gorgeous from afar.  We just want you to be prepared.  Mom carries bear mase in her backpack when we go to the Eastern Sierras too.   Hopefully she never needs to use it!

Stay safe out there!
