My Latest Dog-Friendly Crockpot Recipe is Up!

This week shall go doggy in Scoobyville as CROCKPOT WEEK!  I never new a kitchen appliance could change my doggy world!  Tee Hee Hee! To see why, check out my latest Dog-Friendly Crockpot Stew Recipe!

  • Do you have a picky Doggy eater?
  • Do you want to feed your pup human-grade and homemade dog food but the subscriptions or pet store prices are way too high for your budget?
  • Is your Dog finicky or a little under the weather
  • OR, is your Pup in Chemo like me and their tastes have changed completely and you don’t want them to lose weight?

Then be sure to check out my Scooby’s Recipe Page!  Mom has come up with the BEST Recipes based on the things I tell her I WUV and I’ve gone from walking away from all dog food to begging at the stove, kitchen and fridge!

Mom says the BEST part is (other than being so happy that I’m SUPER excited about my food) is that she can cook big batches now that will last for 2-3 days (I eat twice a day so, that’s alot of food)!

I hope you REALLY enjoy my recipes that we designed to keep you both Trim AND Healthy!

If you have amazing dog-friendly recipes, please share here with all our friends!

