Morning Trails at Dog-Friendly Lake Calavera in Carlsbad

Scooby’s first walkie at Lake Calavera

Mom and I decided to check out Lake Calavera in Carlsbad because of all the cool reviews online.  Just a short drive down the 5 Freeway, a few exits East and a pretty drive through a birdy-singing neighborhood and we’re there! We parked near Trail Head #2 entrance and could see the lake below which was super cool.

Desert Spring flowers are in bloom around the West side of the lake and are popping out of white sand here and there.  White sand trails, a lake, people fishing, an extinct volcano……wow! I highly recommend hitting the trail early in the morning because there’s not much shade and the sun gets pretty hot.  I also recommend packing water for your pup so you can spend enough time exploring.  There is a water fountain and bathroom at the entrance if you need to refill before you start exploring but that’s it.

Although the air was cool, the sun beats down on you beginning late morning so, we walked halfway around the lake and headed back to the Trailhead entrance for some extra water and a cool down.  We saw ducks, hawks and heard lots of birds singing!  Next time we want to take the trail over the hill to check out the extinct volcano then head to downtown Carlsbad for some lunch.  I love downtown Carlsbad because it’s pretty and very walkable with a pup.  Some stores even have doggy water bowls on the sidewalks!  Woof!  I hope you enjoy your Carlsbad outing and maybe we’ll see you there on our next visit!
