Meet Cabella, the Senior Mountain Princess of Parcher’s Resort

Cabella Smith fishin’ for Smallmouth Bass

In the spirit of Scooby’s annual Eastern Sierra Summer Vacation week, I thought it would be wonderful honor Scooby by introducing you to some of the Mountain Dogs Scooby and I have met on our amazing vacations!

Scooby after a morning walk at Parcher’s Resort

Meet Cabella Smith (not related but we wuv that she’s a Smith too)! Cabella manages and patrols Parcher’s Resort along side of her Dad, Jared. Scooby and I first met Cabella and her Dad during our annual Summer dogcation in the Eastern Sierra. We stayed in the cutest little studio cabin at their very own Parcher’s Resort which is nestled about 9100 feet within the Inyo National Forest just West of Bishop.

Scooby and I were very impressed how hard Cabella and her friend Wiley patrolled Parcher’s for bears from early morning until bedtime each day! (And yes, the bears do come through at night to find forgotten food)! We saw a big Momma bear and cubs ourselves!

Parchers is surrounded by streams which are beautiful to explore and you feel as if you are in nature’s very own sound bath! Each morning after Scooby and I ate breakfast (which is also available in their cafe) and after the Sun took the Mountain chill out of the air, Scooby and I packed up the car with lunch, water, snacks, books and blankies and found new areas to explore. You can pretty much pull over anywhere and be next to a flowing ice cold stream where you can relax, take photos, read a book or fish. There are 3 main lakes and other small lakes which are accessible by hike. Just around the curve from Parcher’s is Aspendell. Cardinal Village, a small residential area, is located here. We passed Aspendell daily on the way to our most favorite lake, North Lake, which we visited daily once we found it! It’s a little bit of a bumpy and treacherous drive which makes it less populated – often with just the most determined of fishermen!

But, if you need real expert advise, just ask Cabella and Jared who have hiked and fished the Eastern Sierra from Spring to Fall for years! They have the real insider’s tips! Cabella just loves being beside her Dad no matter what the activity especially if they’re fishin’ – on their favorite boat or at the edge of a stream or lake. You can see the best of all their favorite places in her Dad’s books, Fishin Trails and Fishin’ Trails 2!

Cabella and Dad Jared at Crowley Lake
Cabella and Dad Jared fishin’ for Perch

We were so fortunate to meet Cabella and Jared during our adventure! We hope you enjoy Parcher’s as much as we did and please say hello to Cabella and her Dad and tell them Scooby sent you!

Cabella and Dad Jared relaxin’
Cabella inspecting Dad’s catch