Our Beloved Brother and Son, Zachy Smith, suddenly lost his battle with kidney disease on March 1, 2022. He had just received another improved lab result 28 days prior. Our little family is in shock and mourning as we readjust to daily life without Mr. Zachy running our home. Mom and Lovey are heartbroken but we’re all working hard to regain the joy you had and brought us all. Chances are as a pet lover you’ve experienced the incredible pain of a pet dying. The emptiness is immense. Mom found a few beautiful Loss of a Pet Poems, Quotes and Resources to help us celebrate our love for Zachy. We hope they help you in your journey too.
Loss of Pet Poems and Quotes

Pet Loss Quotes – In Memory of Mr. Zachy
“Everyone is taught that angels have wings,
but the lucky ones of us find they have 4 paws”. – Unknown
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Ted Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – Winnie The Pooh
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” – Jack Lemmon
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France
“What greater gift than the love of a cat.” – Charles Dickens
“The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man’s.” – Mark Twain

Loss of a Pet Prayer
If you’ve perused our Grieving Your Pet page you already know how much we love and appreciate David Michie. Mom first found David through his fun Dahli Llama’s cat book series (musts for pre-sleep, feel good reads). Just after Scooby was diagnosed with cancer, David announced the pre-sale of Buddhism for Pet Lovers (see below). Mom knew that every day with Scooby was a gift and as soon as the book arrived she poured through it to help guide her time left with Scooby on earth and once his after-life journey began.
David Michie’s book is a blessing to pet lovers. One of the most loving and healing parts of the book is a loss of pet prayer said for your beloved pet (and for all sentient beings):
“Make offerings…By making an offering of any kind, such as feeding birds, giving to charity, or donating blood, and self-consciously offering the merit of such actions to the benefit of our recently-deceased pet, our actions can have a positive impact on their experience of the bardo realms.
For example, we may repeat the affirmation in our mind:
By this act of generosity/love/compassion/kindness
May (NAME OF PET) enjoy positive conditions,
High rebirth, happiness and peace,
May he/she meet the perfect teacher,
And quickly attain perfect enlightenment
For the benefit of all living beings without exception.
We can continue to make offerings throughout the seven week period, in particular on every weekly anniversary of their death, when the greatest shifts in the bardo state occur”.

How to Deal with Pet Loss
Take good care of yourself during this time. Allow yourself extra time to rest and sleep. Hydrate and include healthy foods (Mom prefers smoothies and soups) so your body and brain have nutrients. Your beloved pet would want you to do for yourself what you did for them.
Minimize your “to do” list and schedule. Move slower. Be kind to yourself by allowing extra time for everything.
Allow people who care – who are compassionate – into your inner circle so you don’t self-isolate. Let them know how you feel but let them know they don’t need to come up with solutions or responses – just listening, being there and a hug means the most. For other friends and family who mean well just let them know you aren’t “ready to talk about it”. This lets them know you are sad, allows them to let you know they are thinking about you.
Be in nature. Sit in your car outside, sit by a stream, river, ocean, walk, read, take photos, draw, meditate – whatever you use to enjoy. Nature is healing. Let it help you during this difficult time.
Remember, your pet wants you to feel loved and cherished and to be healthy and happy once again. They would not want you to suffer or be isolated.
Write a Letter To Your Pet

New Pet Loss Grief Resources
Are you experiencing grief from a pet who has become terminally ill or from the death of a beloved pet recently or long ago (or any loved one)? We have recently emerging resources for you. We want you to know you are not alone. There is a world of people like us and you who love their pets deeply and are hurting tremendously as they approach their end of days and after their death.
We hope some or all of the following resources will help you during this very sad time in your life…
Be sure to visit Cole’s wonderful website full of resources at Grief Recovery Method. Cole James also recommend to start with his handbook

To find out more about Colleen’s Grief Support program please visit Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement

You can find Moira’s services on her Pet Loss Support Page

You can find out more about Ann and her services at Pet Loss Counselor

Nancy a wonderful book (see below) created 2 free Facebook groups: Transforming Pet Loss into Love and Grief into Growth and I Miss You Already: Support as You FACE Pet Loss

We also Love Dr. Katie Woodley the Natural Pet Doctor. She also wants you to know that you are not alone in your grief.

How Do You Write a Eulogy for a Pet?
We recommend to simply write what is in your heart – Your best memories – Things you wish you could tell them now.
Here’s Our Eulogy to Mr. Zachy…
In Memory of Zachy Smith

Zachy LOVED life. He loved his little sister, Lovey with all his heart and his Mommy – he was a Momma’s boy to the max. Zach loved dogs, cats, hanging with friends, car rides, blankies and boxes. Mom called him Zach in the box 🙂 Zachy even had a pet rock!
Zach was wise well beyond his kitty and human years and transcended the confines of his 18 lb kitty body. Just like his brother, Scooby, Zach was a wise sage. He trusted his instincts and knew exactly what he needed to do. Everyone who met Zach said they had never met a cat like him and they would get a kitty if they knew they would be like Zach. Everyone who knew Zach said he was a human trapped in a handsome rabbit fur kitty body.
When Zach became a furSmith he already had a big dog sister, Sable. Zachy loved Sable – she brought out his inner dog. He did everything she did and mom called him her cat dog. Soon to follow was Lovey, a scrawny, sick, kitten with one eye who needed home. Zachy took Lovey under his wing and has spent his life helping Lovey feel immensely loved and teaching her confidence, joy, peace and trust.
When Sable passed away Zachy slowly became sadder and sadder. He and Lovey slept in Sable’s bed with all of her favorite stuffies daily. Our house wasn’t the same without her 65 lbs of weimaraner crazies and happy go lucky heart. Scooby showed up on PetFinder much to Mom’s surprise 6 months later. He was a distraught senior pup whom had been given away to a Weimaraner rescue by the only family he knew. Mom read what was going on with his sadness and knew she had to meet Scooby. That “meeting” turned into his unplanned adoption day and Scooby soon became big brother to 2 adoring kitties!
Zach quickly began showing Scooby how to be a furSmith. Zachy and Scooby were the best of pals and did everything together. Zach would “pet” Scooby with his head under Scooby’s chin. They enjoyed fireplaces, sun rays, tennis balls couch cuddling together with sister Lovey in tow. When Scooby became very ill with cancer Zachy would snuggle with him and just watch over him so Scooby knew he was loved and never alone. Zachy was a senior cat when Scooby passed away and he was devastated. His joy was visibly missing. (This is where the catio helped).
Although she didn’t feel ready, Mom eventually began scouring the internet for senior dog rescues who were cat friendly to help Zachy. Little did they know that senior pups were not in the plans this time Instead we found Ella and Luna – a large, young mommy dog and her pup who had almost died from starvation. Ella and Luna suddenly became furSmiths because they had nowhere to go! Once again, Zach was extremely excited about having dogs in his family – plus he had a big job ahead 🙂
Although Mom disagreed, Zach soon began climbing the barriers so he could roll up his furry sleeves to show them love. He was patient, had no fear and showed them that they belonged. He taught them boundaries and showed them how to have fun as loved fur family members. Zach made everything they were afraid of look “cool” – as only Zachy could do. So cool, in fact, that they wanted to do it too! (aka naps in their crates – which became Zachy and Lovey’s crates during sun ray time)!
Zach’s energy filled every room. It still does. There’s no place in our home that Zach didn’t find an area to thoroughly enjoy. He loved hanging out in his “man cave” (the garage) and watching birds and squirrels with Lovey in their catio. Zachy LOVED flowers, particularly roses. He thought every rose from the garden was for him. He would run and meow every time Mom brought fresh roses inside. Mom always gave him one of his own by his food bowl to smell and munch on.
Speaking of food, Zach LOVED food. Zachy was a big kitty. Sometimes a little chonky but overall just a big boy. His favorite thing to do was sneak food from Scooby’s bowl and share as Scooby was eating, steal food off the stove and of course let you know when it was time to officially eat and have treats!
But one of Zach’s very favorite things to do was to sit in his Mom’s lap. As soon as she sat down or brought out a blankie – POOF – Zach appeared ready to cuddle. Zach loved spending bonding time with his Mommy, purring, holding her hand with his paw and laying his head on her hand. Waking up to Zachy holding her hand with his paws with his head on her hand is one of the many memories Mom will cherish furver.
Books for Pet Loss
Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links which means we earn a little commission if you make a purchase using our links – at no additional cost to you. We only recommend products that we really WUV and hope you will too! THANK YOOOO for supporting our blog!
Over the Rainbow Bridge Poem for Pets

If you need support you can also call Pet Compassion Care Line for a Counselor 24/7 at 1(855)245-8214