theScoobylife At Home Dog Training Week 1: Sit!

Learn / Refresh Core Commands with theScoobylife Pack!

Learn / Refresh Core Commands with theScoobylife! Week 1: Sit!

Week 1 Is All About Sit! (Combine with “Free” or “Break” to Release Sit Command)…

  • Sit in the house for a treat.
  • Sit on the Curb before crossing the street.
  • Sit in the middle of a walk.
  • Sit while waiting for meal to be put down.
  • Sit at the Door Before Going Out
  • Whenever and wherever you can utilize Sit!

Have we forgotten an essential Sit time? Please share your ideas!

Below are some training links to help you master Sit this week! Some trainers recommend treats. For Ella and Luna I used treats in the house but not on walks. Try mixing it up or start with treats and wean away from them (because you may not always have treats). Now, when Luna hears “Sit” she starts to sit in public! Ella, on the other hand is very focused on squirrels and so we need lots of extra focus on “sit” work!

Happy Training! Send us your pics and mini videos or tag @theScoobylife on instagram, facebook or twitter! #fureverScooby

Are you at Trainer? Please email with your tips and even mini video clips so we can share with da Fwiends!