Happy New Year! How to Start 2021 on the right Paw!

Ella and Luna Exploring Dana Point Harbor

You did it! You navigated, re-grouped, changed routines (and maybe picked up some not so great habits) in 2020 but…You made it to the New Year! Yippee! Congratulations and Happy New Year!

After our unexpected, scary, rude awakening in 2020, the good news is we know what to expect in our “new normal” so we can SLAY 2021!

How do you get your groove back for the new year you ask? First, plan out new habits, new routines and new wish lists based on what you learned from 2020! Use your new wisdom to plan the healthiest, happiest best versions of yourself for 2021!

Walk MORE and Eat Healthier!

Scooby Enjoying his Yoga Session
Scooby Enjoying his Yoga Session

This goes for pets and pawrents! In fact, to help you get and stay motivated all year, check out our new Scoobylife Pack Calendar! Guess what? January starts with a Bang with Exercise, Enrichment and Health!





Start Planning PawVentures!

Now that you know what to expect and how to navigate your universe it’s time to create a 2021 Bucket List! Think Nature…the best place to re-set, re-energize and avoid crowds! Heck, add a new hobby to the mix! That’s how Mom re-kindled her love for Photography – while PawVenturing with Scooby – which shortly became the start of theScoobylife!

Scooby Exploring Wildflowers
Scooby Exploring Wildflowers

theFurSmiths are making their 2021 Bucket List with places we want to go, things we want to see and maybe even re-visit some of our beloved destinations. Mom recommends dedicating a Favowite Notebook or Journal that makes you happy to use and create your Wishlist!

PawVenture Journals by Scoobylife Press

If you don’t have a notebook that makes you daydream we created beautiful PawVenture Journals that are perfect for travel that guide you through the planning and note taking process! You can find them in our Scoobylife Press store on Amazon! Be sure to include both local and “within driving distance” destinations to visit in YOUR 2021 Bucket List! But overall, just brainstorm, dream and jot down your unfiltered ideas!

Then, document your “best of” during or just after each PawVenture while everything is fresh in your mind. You will enjoy re-reading your memories over and over again! If you want to share your best tips with theScoobylife we can share your recommendations with the rest of da Fwiend Pack to help them plan their best PawVentures too!

Pro PawVenture Tips:

One of Mom’s Favorite Resources is Only in Your State. It’s a curated website of little known places and destinations located in your state! Peruse the locations near you to see what may look dog-friendly and fun for your fur family!

We also highly recommend Alltrails.com which is another curated list of trails, hikes and walks with extra details about each adventure that is also rated by fellow visitors! Be sure to check for dog-friendliness and rules!

Are you Excited?

Us FurSmiths are Excited for you! We would love to hear what’s on your January and 2021 Bucket list! Please share in the Comments below! You can also email your pics and list to mom@thescoobylife.com and we will share your tips with the rest of da Scoobylife Pack!

Ella and Luna Learning Yoga


Blank Notebooks & Journals by Scoobylife Press

Guided PawVenture Journals by Scoobylife Press