If you’re here you most likely love your pet as if they are your own child. theScoobylife Fwiends feel the same. So, we’re here to share Pet Grief and Celebration ideas to help you navigate the happy and sad journeys as a pet parent…
Celebrate Your Pet!
Celebrate Your Pet is is the PERFECT place to tell EVERYBAWDY Pawesome things and memories about your Pet!
Is there a day to celebrate pet, officially? We think EVERYDAY is a great day to celebrate your pet but there are certain pet holidays throughout the year which we listed in our Dog Holidays page!
Resources for Grieving Your Pet
Peruse Mom’s Grief Support and Resource Page – Hopefully you will find something to help you during this difficult transition stage of losing your loved one. Keep their name and memory alive!
Honor Your Pet
Loss of a Pet Poems (and more Grief Resources)
How can you make your beloved pet’s life make a difference in your life and in the world? Keep their name and memory alive!
Volunteer in their honor. Rescues, friends, senior citizens, military families could all use a kind, pet-loving, helping hand. You can help pets in your pet’s name by offering free:
Pet Transporting
Pet sitting (Check out Dogs On Deployment) and register to get notified of people in your area who need free help!
Donate in your pet’s name!
(Mom donated a replacement bench in Scooby’s Favowite Dog-Friendly Garden, Niguel Botanical Preserve, which has a lovely plaque engraved with Scooby’s name). Now Mom, Ella & Luna get to visit Scooby, share treats and often we see other’s enjoying the beautiful vista from Scooby’s Bench! Plus, we helped the botanical preserve!. This makes so Mom happy. We go every week on ScoobySunday!
We Want to Hear Your Story!
We look forward to reading your Favowite things about your fur family and hope our resources help you through the best as well as the hardest times of life with your fur kid!
We WUV Yooo!
Mom, Scooby Angel and the Fur Smiths