How Do You Get Over the Grief of Losing a Pet?

Scooby and Mom enjoying their Fav Sunset Spot in Dana Point Harbor

So many of our Fwiends are suffering tremendous Loss of Loved ones (of every species) and our hearts go out to you. Mom’s, Zachy’s and Lovey’s hearts are still hurting over the loss of our wise sage, zen master, son, brother and pure soul, ScoobyLou. Scooby’s personality filled a room. He was protector of Mom and Big Brother to the biggest and littlest of kitties and we love him so. If you are reading this chances are you (or someone you know) are experiencing a similar tremendous loss as well. So, How Do You Get Over the Grief of Losing a Pet? You are in the right place and You are understood.

Why is Losing a Pet so Painful?

Experiencing the death of your best fur friend, fur kid or fur sibling hurts deeply and in some instances can even trigger PTSD -type reactions. It’s normal. Give yourself time, space and be very careful with yourself during this painful time in your life. Death is hard. It’s normal to feel lost and sad and to cry. Crying is healthy – it helps you release stress so, let it out. It’s part of the process. There will be good days and bad days. Everyone experiences grief differently and there is no right, wrong or “normal” way or time frame for being sad.

The key is to not allow yourself to stay in the sadness or bad days for too long. Be kind and do nice things for yourself. Get extra rest, nutrition and hydration. You need it during this difficult time. Remind yourself that the pet you loved so much and who loved you in return with all of their heart would not want to see you sad, in pain or suffering. Live in their memory and work to be happy again for them!

Once you’re rested, make some effort to do things that you enjoy and that make you happy in their honor. If you feel stuck, reach out to a trusted friend or even a professional to aid you. Your love for your beloved pet never dies and the sadness may never completely leave you but over time the beautiful memories and feelings WILL outweigh the hurt.

Are You Experiencing Grief, Pain or Loss of Your Furry Loved One?

If so, or if you know someone who is, Mom put together this resource; Grief and Celebration Pages to hopefully help during this difficult time. There you can:

Celebrate Your Pet!

Grieve the Loss of Your Pet

Honor Your Pet

Scooby Smith 💕

How Do You Get Over the Grief of Losing a Pet?

There are also amazing pet loss support groups online.

I Miss You Already is for pet parents anticipating or preparing for the loss of a beloved pet.

Transforming Pet Loss into Love is for pet parents who are struggling with the loss of a pet or who want to help others struggling.

We care about you and want you to remember the joy your loved one brought into your life and the life of others. What’s your best memory? What matters in your heart and soul? Us Fwiends wanna know…


Mom, Zach, Lovey and the torch carriers…Ella and Luna.

Click here to begin your journey!

Honoring Cabella, our beautiful Angel Princess of the Eastern Sierra