Great News at the Vet!

Happy Dog
Scooby the Happy Weim

Great News at Week 9 of Chemo!

Woohoo! I just saw Dr. Zwahlen for Week 9 of chemo and she gave me and Mom the great news that I’m now “technically” in remission! Technically

means all of my lymph nodes are back to “normal” size!  As some of you know, I started responding pawstively after week 1 and that’s always a great sign!  All of my lab work is still coming back super healthy and Mom says I’m handling it all like SUPERMAN!  (Where’s my cape?!)

Next in the Medical Plan:

We are continuing the 26 week chemo course and I’m being monitored very closely – especially since I’m 13(ish) years old.  All my best friends say I actually look younger and better now than before.  I get tired more easily but, that’s to be expected.  So, onward to to conquer 16 more weeks!

Next in the FUN Plan:

It seems like we just got back from Paso Robles (that was sooooo much fun!) and in June we are heading back to Mammoth for some good ol’ early Summer, Mountain Relaxin’.  I CAN’T WAIT!  Mammoth  just got SNOW again last week so this won’t be our warmest Summer in Mammoth for sure, but it will be perfect.  Mountain weather can change in a moments notice so, who knows what’s in store for us!

Mom and I want to thank each and every one of you who have sent pawsitive vibes my way!  I’m not out of the woods (even though we are vacationing there soon – tee hee hee) but, things are going in the right direction!

Hugs and Big Kisses,


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