Fall Colors at Convict Lake Mammoth Lakes

Fall Colors at Convict Lake, Mammoth Lakes
Fall Colors at Convict Lake, Mammoth Lakes

Where are the Fall Colors in California?

If you know us furSmiths at all you KNOW it’s the Eastern Sierra! At the start of October you will be able to see various stages of Fall Colors beginning in the highest elevations and working their way down to the lower valley along Highway 395. We LOVE Tamarack Lodge in Mammoth but this year Scooby and I decided to make reservations at Convict Lake Resort to see Fall Colors at Convict Lake Mammoth Lakes! We had quite the adventure!

Convict Lake California – Day 1

Wow!  What a crazy night!  Pouring rain on arrival, unpacking the car in a sleet storm, howling, 60 – 80 mph winds overnight…Welcome to the Fall Colors at Convict Lake in Early October!  Thank goodness we reserved a Spa Cabin (Yes you read that correctly) at Convict Lake Resort! The Steam Shower was KEY to warming up after that arrival!

Leaf Peeper Scooby Smith
Leaf Peeper Scooby Smith

Convict Lake is a hidden gem in the Eastern Sierra that is a little over 2 miles from the 395 Highway! Weather at Convict Lake can be pretty unpredictable but it’s well worth the visit! We love it so much we put Convict Lake in our list of Eastern Sierra Dog Friendly Destinations!

Convict Lake is lower in altitude at 7800′ elevation than most places we stay in the Eastern Sierra. But, it’s still important to stay hydrated and take it easy when you arrive just in case altitude sickness kicks in. Scooby still had his inaugural atlitude barf and I had the “welcome to the mountains” headache but we were ok overall. The key tip is to take it easy on the first day. Take a drive or a super light walk at the lake entrance but don’t do anything too strenuous.

The property at Convict Lake Resort is really relaxing and a nice place to just walk around and investigate. The cabins are spaced out and attractive.  Deer roam the property and are totally comfortable grazing next to the people who are walking about. Convict Lake is a short walk across the property and easy to get to.

California Fall Colors

California Fall Colors at Convict Lake
California Fall Colors at Convict Lake

Aspen, willow, and cottonwood trees are abundant throughout the Eastern Sierra and as Fall approaches these trees are predominantly responsible for the gorgeous Fall Colors of the Eastern Sierra! Be on the lookout for groves (clones) of Aspen Trees and stand in the middle of them during Autumn. The colors and the sound of the wind blowing through them is magical. Luckily, there is a beautiful clone of Aspens at Convict Lake Resort and on the back side of Convict Lake on as you walk around Convict Lake Trail!

  Aspen Leaves in Convict Lake
Aspen Leaves in Convict Lake

Populus Tremuloides aka Quaking Aspen

Fun Fact: Did you know that Aspens are the largest living organism? Aspens grow in stands (clones) and send sprouts up from their roots to reproduce. Thus all the trees in a clone are connected!

Why are Aspen Trees Called Quakies?

According to the National Wildlife Federation, “Quaking aspens, also called trembling aspens, are named for their leaves. Flat leaves attach to branches with lengthy stalks called petioles, which quake or tremble in light breezes”.

Populus Tremuloides aka Quaking Aspen
Populus Tremuloides aka Quaking Aspen

This “magical” sound we mentioned above is almost like a faint “jingle”. There’s pretty much a constant “breeze” at Convict Lake and in all of Mammoth Lakes so if you see a clone of Aspen Trees get right in the middle! A clone of Aspen Trees is the PERFECT place to Forest Bathe! You can learn all about Forest Bathing in our Favorite Book:

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Fall Colors California Convict Lake – Day 2

Fall Colors California Convict Lake
Fall Colors California Convict Lake

On Day 2 we made breakfast and waited for it to warm up a bit before we ventured out.  It was still pretty chilly around 9:30 am but the sun and several layers made it warmer. T-shirt layers, a jacket or warm vest, beanie, scarfs and gloves are key to wear when walking Convict Lake Trail in early October! Pack a dog coat or sweater in your backpack if possible. It’s best to have it if the weather turns!  

The wind off the lake can feel pretty freezing in certain circumstances – which is exactly what happened to us on Day 2! We meandered at the lakefront but the wind made it SUPER cold so we came back to the cabin for a lunch break to figure out Plan B…Be in the car and out of the wind! We decided to take a day trip to Mono Lake turned out to be much less windy! After a full day of scouting out Mono Lake and taking pictures we headed back to our cabin and took some nappies before dinner! Now THAT’s a PawCation, is it not?

Speaking of Dinner, be sure to make reservations at The Restaurant at Convict Lake at least once during your stay. It’s Fine Dining at it’s best without the need for dressing up! The Trout is amazing as are the martinis 🙂

Convict Lake is Amazing and has a considerable geological significance and event history. It’s always worth staying or at least a stop as you are passing by to see this geological wonder! Be sure to read all about it on our Scoobylife Convict Lake Page and Is Convict Lake Dog Friendly Post!