Scoobylife Train at Home Week 7: Wait

Woohoo!  You made it to the Final Week of Train at Home with Scoobylife! Can you hear us FurSmiths cheering you on?!

Our Final Core Command is WAIT.  Some Trainers feel WAIT is redundant because if you give a command prior there should be no need for a WAIT Command.  Some Trainers like to train the Wait Command.  Mom likes WAIT so we’re using it!

At the FurSmith’s here’s how we are using SIT and WAIT:

When Mom first opens the backyard slider or garage door (to the backyard) – you know, where the SQUIRRELS hang out!  🙂 WAIT confirms no trampling to get to the great backyard – haha. (We’ve barreled through the screen door a few times last year).

When Mom puts the Breakfast and Dinner down.  Ella in particular seems to remember starving before being rescued.  The slow feeder has helped somewhat as well but before SIT and WAIT, Ella was jumping around like Tigger the Tiger when her food dish was being served.  Luna, on the other hand (who actually almost starved to death), is not food driven. She likes it but she’s dainty and a slow eater!  SIT and WAIT allows them to patiently sit, be served and wait like perfect ladies 🙂

We’d like to hear your best uses for WAIT!  Let us know in the comments so all da Fwiends can benefit too!

Are you Ready?  Click Helpful Tips and Videos to get Started with WAIT!

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