Have you ever been to a ghost town? What about an old gold mining town? Bodie is hands down gives you the best of both! Once a booming Gold and Silver Mining town, the Ghost Town of Bodie was first pioneered in 1859 by Waterman S (WS) Body who left his life in New York to search for gold in California. WS Body did discover gold in the hills which is now known as Bodie Bluff which was the beginning for this original mining camp.
Body and 3 fellow prospectors built a cabin on the outskirts of the new mining camp then decided to wait out winter then visit the camp in the spring. But Body and one other miner decided to stay in the cabin but by November they had already run out of supplies. They decided to hike 10 miles to refill supplies but during their journey a surprise Blizzard hit the hikers. Unprepared for the winter storm, Body said he could no longer continue. His friend made his way to a cabin and warmed up. After the snow melted the following spring, the miner returned to find Body’s remains and buried him in the mining camp which was later named Body in his honor. The name was changed to “Bodie” after a sign painter misspelled the name.

Why Was Bodie Abandoned?
Bodie California was once considered a very progressive town, having its own electricity, a school for 900 – 1500 children (the reports vary), several mills, hotels, businesses and an extensive gold mine where over $100 million of gold was found between 1877 to 1880! During it’s boom, Bodie is said to have been in the top 6 most populated cities in California! Accurate or not, the progressiveness of Bodie during these years in a desolate mountain location can’t be denied! At its peak, Bodie had 2500 homes with a population of over 8500 people.
How Did Bodie Become a Ghost Town?
Franklin D Roosevelt executed the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 which among other things, significantly dropped the price of gold. The mine also became less productive and the younger generations began to move away. The last Bodie newspaper was printed in 1912.
There was a brief surge in gold again in 1915 but it didn’t bring the town back. By 1915 Bodie was already being described as a “Ghost Town” – which is defined as “an abandoned Old West Town”. Many people packed up and left their belongings such as furniture, kitchenware, papers and signs of everyday life behind (which can be seen through the old glass windows). Some homes still have curtains on their windows which also contributes to Bodie’s Ghost Town feel.

Fun Fact: Boone General Store and Warehouse in Bodie CA was owned by JE Boone, a distant cousin of American pioneer and frontiersman and folk hero, Daniel Boone.
When Did the Last Person Leave Bodie California?
The Bodie Railway was permanently shut down in 1917 and on June 23, 1932 Bodie experienced a second large fire. This fire destroyed a significant portion of the homes and businesses in the town, leaving what we now see in Bodie.
Eventually, in the early 1940s, the last inhabitants moved out as well after the gold mine was closed in 1942 due to the Executive Order of the War Production Board. At one point in the 1950’s only 9 people were still living in Bodie.
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Bodie State Historic Park California
In 1961 the State of California purchased Bodie from the David Victor Cain family (son of Martha and James Stuart Cain who was an early pioneer in Bodie). Mr. Cain owned many businesses in Bodie back in its gay day and was the only Mayor the town ever had! Bodie was soon dedicated as a National Historic Landmark on July 4, 1961.

Do you want to learn about Bodie First Hand from someone born nearby, lived in Bodie the majority of her adult life and owned businesses with her husband then the majority of Bodie after the boom?! JS Cain’s daughter-in-law, Ella M Cain wrote two books about life in Bodie!
When did Bodie become a State Park?
The California State Parks turned Bodie California into a State Historic Park in 1962 in effort to preserve the town. The California Parks maintains and preserves the buildings as they were found in 1962 under a “Arrested Decay” policy. This means they do not renew or rebuild structures but they will maintenance and repair structures in effort to preserve them for as long as possible.
Bodie Ties to President Herbert Hoover!
Long before he was President of the US, Herbert Hoover was a mining engineer in California and Colorado! Already see the connection?! His brother, Theodore Hoover and his wife Mildred lived in Bodie until 1905 and a young Herbert Hoover would stay with them in the “Hoover House” when he passed through!

Do People Still Live in Bodie?
Since Bodie has been a State Historic Park since 1962, the only people allowed to “live” in Bodie are State Park personnel. If you see homes which look “lived” in it’s probably one of the Park Rangers so please respect their privacy.
Can You Visit Bodie California?
Yes! Bodie is open year round but due to it’s high 8,379 foot elevation is only accessible in the “winter” months by snow mobile, snowshoes or skis. Bodie is open to the public from 9am to 6pm daily. The Best Part? Bodie IS Dog Friendly! WooHoo!
Dogs must be on a 6 foot leash and some areas are restricted to dogs – but not many. Bodie is mainly a large walking mountain town so it’s perfect for you and your pup! Plan for all seasons of weather in one day for both you and your dog.
Bodie is available to visit by car in the “Summer” months between mid March through early November. These dates vary year by year due to snowpack, weather, fire and smoke. Bodie State Historic Park posts regularly on social media and goes live often (we follow them on instagram and facebook)! Its best to check ahead of time and have alternative plans in case Bodie isn’t accessible when you want to visit.

Weather in Bodie CA
Will it be Hot, Cold, Windy or Stormy on your visit? YES! You may even get them all in one day so be able to prepare for all scenarios in your car before you day trip to Bodie!
ALWAYS Pack lots of extra water for you and your pup plus a dog bowl for your walk through town (you should be able to fill your water bottles at the fountain in the parking lot but start but prepare as if it wasn’t an option. There are no water fountains in the town. We loaned water in our Collapsible Dog Bowl to poor pups who’s pawrents didn’t plan properly so be prepared and take extra for those thirsty pups who need you! Better yet, take extra bowls and give them away (we gave ours away on the way back to the car). If you need dog gear (that can be shared with humans) check out our Scoobylife Gear which includes self filtering water bottles, collapsible dog bowls and cotton bandanas which are perfect for PawVentures®!
Also make sure the ground is comfortable enough to leave your bare hand (or foot) on. Your dog may need boots if the ground is uncomfortable. If it’s cold and windy your pup may need a coat!
Day Trip Advice for Visiting Bodie
If the forecast is warm (the sun is very hot at this elevation) we recommend you arrive 30 minutes prior to opening, fill your water bottles, have a quick snack and walk in as soon as they allow you! This will help you beat the hot sun. There are no shade trees in Bodie – the only shade you can find is typically under a roof. Be sure to take FREQUENT water and shade breaks with your pup!
Tip: Consider using an umbrella to block the sun for you and your pup and a cotton bandana which you can pour water on to keep your pup cool. Look ahead to plan shade stops as often as possible. Even if you don’t feel hot, your dog’s stomach is close to the ground and they can overheat quite quickly. Stay in tune with your dog so they can have fun and stay healthy and cool during your PawVenture!
Possible Warm, Sunny Day Option
Although we’ve never done this, another option could be to arrive around just before 4pm (after the hottest part of the sun) and walk the park a couple of hours before they close. Take all the exact gear mentioned above and always have layers for you and your pup for hot and cold weather. Temperatures can switch very quickly in the mountains once it becomes shady or a big Lenticular Cloud moves in!
If the weather is cold or cool, sudden storms and strong winds (which typically kick up in the afternoon) can create a miserable scenario if you aren’t prepared with layers and warm boots for both you and your pup! Follow the same advice for the warm days since you never know! The high elevation air is quite dry and will make you and your dog thirsty!
Picnic Tip! We WUV to pack a picnic in our favorite car fridge so we have a delicious lunch waiting for us after our PawVenture! Bodie is big and dusty and if you’re like us you’ll be famished when you get back to your car! Enjoy at a picnic table near the parking lot (which has no sun protection) or sit in the back of your SUV with the back lifted for shade – or in your comfy sedan and ENJOY! (Send your thank you’s and picnic pics to us…mom@theScoobylife.com)!
In all seriousness, we’d WUV to receive your pics so we can share or tag us on social media @theScoobylilfe!
Where Is Bodie California?
The Ghost Town of Bodie located 60 miles northeast of Mammoth, 20 miles East of Bridgeport and Due North of Mono Lake. Fun fact: The Nevada State line is only 7.2 miles east if you continue on Bodie Road!
The Main South Entrance to Bodie
There is one main entrance to Bodie from U.S. Route 395. Exit US Route 395 just South of Bridgeport onto CA-270 E which becomes Bodie Road. This combination paved, gravel and dirt road is 13 miles of scenic drive with no gas, water or facilties along the way so gas up before you head up to Bodie!
If you don’t pay attention you will pass the turn on Route 270 which is just South of Willow Springs. The signs are not obvious. If you look away you may miss it!

Northern “Scenic” Adventure Drive to Bodie
If you are in NO hurry and are feeling SUPER Adventurous you may enjoy a much longer route to Bodie through Potato Peak and Bodie Mountain! It’s best to have a high clearance, reliable vehicle with great tires (4WD is ideal) suitable for a bumpy rough dirt “road”. (We did this route it in Scooby’s BMW X3 SUV for reference).
Drive East on Route 180 when you get to Bridgeport. Be sure you have a full gas tank and a working gps in case you lose your phone signal! You will soon find a 16 mile dirt road that takes you though Potatoe Peak and Bodie Mountain that is picturesque with endless rolling hills and vistas! This route can also get very warm so, make sure you have plenty of water in the car for you and your pups!
Big Tip! Mom HIGHLY recommends making a pitstop in Bridgeport to gas up, use the restrooms, buy extra water and pick up a picnic lunch and treats (if you forgot to pack it before you left).
We actually took this route by mistake and the drive was amazing and a little concerning because we didn’t realize we took an “alternative” route! We had several “what tha…” and “are we going the right way” conversations along the way but the drive was so amazing we wanted to keep driving to see what was next! This drive could actually be a Day Trip all on its own! We did see a few other drivers and explorers sprinkled along the way to Bodie but they were very far apart. This path is deserted with very little to no cell service so its not a great route to drive alone.

Is Bodie Worth Visiting?
Um….YES!!! We LOVED our Daytrip to Bodie! What a FUN Adventure! Take your camera – you’ll want to take lots of pics of this Cool Ghost Town! Give yourself PLENTY OF TIME to enjoy your drive and your day in Bodie! You can even stop by Mono Lake on the way back!
Once you begin walking into the town of Bodie you can almost feel what it was like to live there! Bodie is only a fraction of the size it was in the late 1800’s. Try to imagine what it must have been like living in Bodie during it’s booming years!
Bodie is SO cool it’s been used as the set for several movies over the last 100 years! Check out this Movie list! Even U2 shot their Joshua Tree album photos in Bodie! Even John Wayne LOVED Bodie! 🙂
For more information about Bodie visit:
See more of our Bodie pics on our latest post!