Love that Steve McQueen!

IMG_1830As you know by now, Mom and I LOVE to watch Steve McQueen movies on vacation!  This Summer at Rock Creek we watched 3 more Steve McQueen movies and they were AWESOME!  Mom bought these used DVD’s from Amazon and we watched them on her laptop at night:

  1.  The War Lover – A super young Steve & Robert Wagner – what a duo!  All the old planes in this movie were super cool too!
  2. Bullitt – Many reviews say this was Steve’s finest performance.  Set in San Francisco, this movie was full of action.  Loved it!
  3. Tom Horn – This movie is based on a true story of gunmanTom Horn based in the Old West.  Wow…..

I can’t wait to see what we watch on our next trip!  Oh, BTW, Mom says Papillon is really great too.  I haven’t seen it yet but I hope she re-watches it with me soon!

If you have any “must watch” recommendations please let me know – I can surprise Mom!

