Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind
Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind

It’s July and what screams Summer more than BBQ’z, corn on the cob and Watermelon?! In fact, what’s more delicious than a sun ripened, juicy, red watermelon on a hot Summer Day? With specific preparation Watermelon can be healthy for dog! But can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind? The answer No, Dogs SHOULD NOT Eat Watermelon Rind. Watermelon rind is too tough for a dog’s digestive system to break down effectively which can cause gastrointestinal upset or even worse…intestinal blockage. So, Skip the Watermelon Rind and go for the good, red, watermelon flesh!

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Seeds?

While Watermelon Seeds are not toxic to dogs, just like rinds they can create blockages or create gastrointestinal issues in dogs. So, be sure to remove all black seeds from watermelon before serving to your dog. If possible try to remove all the softer white seeds as well.

If your dog does eat any Watermelon Rind or Seeds watch for any possible signs of intestinal blockage including:

  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Lethargy
  • Abdominal Pain

If you observe any of these symptoms get to your veterinarian right away.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Health Benefits of Watermelon
Health Benefits of Watermelon

Did you know that Watermelon is part of the flowering plant Cucurbitaceae family and is related to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash? Watermelon is low in calories and packed with healthy vitamins for dogs and people such as A, B6, and C, potassium and lycopene!

According to Wikipedia, Watermelon is a scrambling and trailing vine-like plant that was originally domesticated in Africa. There are more than 1,000 varieties of Watermelon. Wild watermelon seeds have even been found in the prehistoric Libyan site of Uan Muhuggiag!

Watermelon and Dogs

Organic, In-Season, Diced, Seedless Watermelon without the rind is a safe and nutritious snack for dogs – in moderation. Eating foods that have a high water content can also help keep your Dog hydrated. Watermelons are about 92 percent water so they are also super hydrating on a hot day!

Watermelon does contain natural sugar so only serve Watermelon in small amounts as a special treat. The BEST ways for your dogs to enjoy watermelon are:

  • Fresh Diced and Served Fresh with Seeds and Rinds
  • Fresh Frozen Diced Watermelon (seedless and rindless)
  • Puree Fresh Watermelon (with seeds and rinds removed) and freeze in ice cube trays. For an added yummy bonus you can add 1 or 2 fresh or frozen blueberries to each cube!

So next time you buy an organic, ripe and in-season watermelon, be sure to dice up some chunks, remove the seeds and rinds and treat your pup to a yummy, healthy, hydrating treat! Pop some in the freezer for a cooling treat on a hot day or, puree the chunks plain in a blender and pour into ice cube trays with a couple of blueberries for an extra nutritious treat!

Want More Fruit, Veggie and Other Food Safety Guidance for your Dog?

Check out our other blog posts for the scoop!

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Can Dogs Eat Peppers? (Covers Hot Peppers and Bell Peppers)

Is Stevia Safe for Dogs? (Includes sugar, sweeteners and artificial sweeteners)

Can a Dog Eat Peaches? (Includes Corn, Cucumber Green Beans and Parsley)

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind
Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind