Can Dogs Eat Pineapples?

Can Dogs Eat Pineapples
Can Dogs Eat Pineapples?

If you’re like us, seeing a beautiful, fresh pineapple makes you think Summer, Hawaii, Tropical Islands and possibly even pizza! Pineapple is native to the Americas but is now grown throughout the world in tropical and subtropical regions. Historically, natives of Central and South America used pineapple for a variety of ailments, such as digestive disorders. But Can Dogs Eat Pineapples too?

Is Pineapple OK for Dogs?

As always, please consult with your veterinarian before giving your pup new foods to make sure they are ok for your dog’s specific health. But, in general, is Pineapple OK for Dogs? The answer is…Yes! Dogs CAN eat Pineapples BUT only RAW pineapple! According to the AKC, Raw “Pineapple in small amounts, is an excellent snack for dogs”! NEVER serve your dog canned pineapple, however. Canned fruits are loaded with sugary syrup which is NOT healthy for dogs.

Are Pineapples Good for Dogs?

Pineapples contain nutrients that can support your dog’s immune and digestive health. Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called Bromelain which is found in the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant. Pineapple is also high in Vitamins C,A, B6, E, K and Calcium! Pineapples are low in calorie, nutrient-dense, high in fiber but also high in natural sugar so, it’s important to test and serve in small amounts.

What Happens if Your Dog Eats a Pineapple?

What Happens if Your Dog Eats a Pineapple
What Happens if Your Dog Eats a Pineapple

If you decide to test to see if your dog likes pineapple, only give them the softer fleshy part in small, bite-size pieces. The Core (center hard part) and rigid outer skin of pineapples can be too tough and cause obstructions. Be sure to monitor your pup when eating pineapples and all new foods to make sure they can eat them safely!

Does Pineapple Make Dogs Throw Up?

The high, natural sugar content of pineapples can cause stomach irritation in dogs if fed in too large of quantities. So, test with a couple of fresh (or frozen) bite-size pieces first to see how your dog reacts. If your dog experiences stomach upset such as diarrhea or vomiting then pineapple is not a good treat option for your pup!

Can Dogs Eat Dehydrated Pineapple?

Surprisingly, YES! Dogs CAN eat dried pineapple but ONLY if contains no other ingredients or additives. Again, due to sugar content, keep dried pineapple treats to a very small amount!

Be sure to check our blog for more Vegetables and Fruits for Dogs! Happy Munching!

Can Dogs Eat Pineapples
Can Dogs Eat Pineapples