Can Dogs Eat Blackberries In Season?

Can Dogs Eat Blackberries in Season?
Can Dogs Eat Blackberries in Season?

We’re kinda diggin’ this new thing Mom’s doing – Eating Local, Organic, In-Season Veggies and Fruits! Every 2 weeks we receive a Fresh, Organic Veggie Box Delivery from The Ecology Center – which is just down our street in San Juan Capistrano! We’re pretty much willing to try anything Mom clears as Dog Friendly (especially if Mom roasts it in olive oil with turmeric), hides it in our food, puree’s it or serves it as a topper on our Woofle (Dog Friendly Buckwheat Woofle Recipe is coming soon – we promise!) In our latest delivery we received romaine lettuce, cilantro, radish, summer squash, onion, lemon, strawberries and blackberries! Let’s start with those beautiful blackberries…Can Dogs Eat Blackberries In Season?

Important Reminder…Always check with your Vet before serving your pet any new food to make sure it is safe for your pet’s health considerations!

Can I Give My Dogs Blackberries?

Blackberries and Raspberries are NOT the best in the berry family for dogs because they contain small amounts of naturally occurring xylitol. Xylitol in large amounts is extremely toxic to dogs. It’s found in toothpaste, gum, candles, some peanut butters and “low sugar” human foods (so always read labels). Mom actually doesn’t bring anything with added Xylitol into our house – just in case! According to PetMD, Blackberries, and especially Raspberries, should only be given in small amounts – if at all.

We say SKIP Blackberries and Raspberries and opt for delicioso Blueberries and Cranberries instead (in moderation of course)! You can even use Blueberries and Cranberries as treats to toss for games and training (but not too many).

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries in the Summer?

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries in the Summer
Can Dogs Eat Strawberries in the Summer

Did you know that biting into a Strawberry can help whiten your dog’s (and your) teeth?! Strawberries contain a teeth-whitening enzyme which works best when you bite into a fresh, organic, in-season Strawberry! Should Dogs Eat Strawberries? Strawberries are a great source of vitamin c and fiber but as with everything, only give your dog’s fresh, organic strawberries in moderation. (We like ours best on da Woofles)! We also eat one Strawberry diced up on our dog food when woofles aren’t available 🙂

In Summary, Are Strawberries Ok for Dogs? According to the AKC, Yes, but Strawberries also contain sugar – which is not great for dogs – so be sure to only give your dogs strawberries in small amounts.

Can Dogs Eat Radish?

Radish are root vegetables that come in a variety of shapes and flavors. We received the “peppery” tasting ones in our veggie box! Mom said they are great in her salad raw – we said they were “meh” in our food – hahaha. Radishes are high in fiber and water and are a good source of vitamin C. Radish can be eaten raw or roasted with nothing on them (we roast Dog Friendly Veggies in organic, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil and a splash of turmeric). Mom slices them thin and serves us half a radish raw or roasted at a time. Some dogs love radishes (and the crunch when raw) and some not so much. Reminder, only serve radish to your dogs in small amounts and in moderation!

Can Dogs Eat Summer Squash?

You may be wondering just like Mom, What IS Summer Squash Exactly?! Squash are technically fruit! Squash are grouped into Summer Squash and Winter Squash and are typically cooked like vegetables and super delicious! Zucchini are Summer Squash but all Summer Squash are not Zucchini! Tip: Summer Squash are typically wider at the bottom and thinner at the top. So, Can Dogs Eat Summer Squash? YES! Dogs CAN eat Summer Squash!

According to the AKC, Zucchini (and Squash in general) is full of fiber, vitamins and minerals and “is one of the best vegetables to feed dogs”. But as with all Dog Friendly Vegetables, clear Squash for your Dog with your Vet, feed in small cooked amounts and dice to prevent choking.

How To Cook A Summer Squash

Squash in our opinion is BEST eaten cooked! Zucchini, Green Squash, Yellow Squash and Summer Squash are great gently sauteed in organic, extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil. YUM! You can also serve serve your Dog Steamed Squash. Remember to keep squash slightly crunchy to maintain their nutritional value.

Here’s our Bestest Tip on How to Cook Squash: Eat Summer Squash Roasted! (Only use Olive Oil and Turmeric) Your WHOLE family will love them! Your Peoples can eat them as a side dish, on top of salad, topped on pasta, served with rice and other veggies and topped with coconut aminos…tell them to get creative!

We’d WUV to show you how to cook squash our Favorite Way! Sign up below for one of our FREE Recipes for Zucchini and Summer Squash! (Dog Friendly Chef Tip: You can roast any Dog Friendly Veggie with our Recipe for easy and AMAZING veggies for Dogs and Pawrents)!

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    Is Cilantro OK for Dogs?

    According to ASPCA, Cilantro is Non Toxic Dogs AND Cats! Mom WUVS Cilantro and usually has a fresh bunch in the fridge. So, Can Dogs Eat Cilantro? YES, Dogs can eat a very small amount of Cilantro once or twice a week (if your Vet approves).

    Cilantro contains mineral such as iron, potassium and manganeses as well as vitamins C, A and K. Too much Cilantro can cause your Dog nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Be sure to check with your Vet always and a couple of leaves torn and mixed in with their food periodically may be a good addition!

    Did you know you can grow your own cilantro at home? Ours Cilantro grows so fast to seed that Mom has a hard time keeping up with it! We’re big fans of Kevin at Epic Gardening and he has TONS of tips on his blog and YouTube Channel to improve How Cilantro Grows at the furSmiths this year!

    Also in our Harvest Box was more Romaine Lettuce, Onion and Lemons which we covered in our “Can Dogs Eat Lettuce and Arugula” post! Be sure to check it out for the answers to Can Dogs Eat Lettuce, Onion or Lemons!

    We Hope you WUV your Dog Friendly Roasted Zucchini and Summer Squash Recipe!

    Can Dogs Eat Blackberries in Season
    Can Dogs Eat Blackberries in Season

    Want More Fruit, Veggie and Other Food Safety Guidance for your Dog?

    Check out our other blog posts for the scoop!

    Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind?

    Can Dogs Eat Lettuce and Arugula? (Includes Broccoli, Leeks (Onion & Garlic Family), Citrus, Carrots and Celery Leaf

    Can Dogs Eat Peppers? (Covers Hot Peppers and Bell Peppers)

    Is Stevia Safe for Dogs? (Covers sugar, sweeteners and artificial sweeteners)

    Can a Dog Eat Peaches? (Includes Corn, Cucumber and Parsley)

    Can Dogs Eat Blackberries
    Can Dogs Eat Blackberries