Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?

Can Dogs Eat Asparagus
Can Dogs Eat Asparagus

Mom just loves some sautéed or roasted asparagus on her salads, pizza, pasta, omlelets and veggie goyza! We picked up a bunch of asparagus at Trader Joes on the way home from our walkie yesterday and realized we haven’t checked to see if asparagus is safe for dogs! Do you WUV asparagus as much as Mom? What’s your Fav Way to eat asparagus? You may also be wonderings…Can Dogs Eat Asparagus too?

Is Asparagus OK for Dogs?

Asparagus is a healthy vegetable high in vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, potassium, fiber, thiamin, vitamin A, and vitamin B6 – which are all important nutrients for dogs and people! According to the AKC, asparagus is non toxic to dogs! If you grow your own asparagus make sure to put a barrier around it so your dog can never eat the asparagus fern portion of the asparagus plant. Asparagus fern is toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain for your pup.

How Much Asparagus Can a Dog Eat?

How Much Asparagus Can a Dog Eat
How Much Asparagus Can a Dog Eat?

Although asparagus is 93% water, it is very high in fiber. Too much fiber can create stomach irritation for your dog. So, as with all dog friendly fruits and veggies, asparagus should be less than 10% of your dog’s meal to avoid gastrointestinal upset.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Asparagus Stems?

Raw asparagus can be tough for dogs (and humans) to chew and the stalks can be very serious choking hazards if served raw. If you would like to give your dog asparagus it’s best to cook asparagus so it’s softer to chew and digest.

To preserve the most nutrients, asparagus is best served lightly cooked so it’s soft to digest but a little crisp. You can steam your asparagus or lightly sauté or roast in extra virgin olive oil (if your vet approves) with a sprinkle of organic turmeric powder. DE-Lish!

We try to add a little extra boost of nutrients to the dog bowl with dog safe veggies and fruits when possible. But please always run new foods, ingredients and recipes by your vet before serving them to your pup. Your vet knows your dog’s specific health and potential risks which is always best!

Are you looking for more safe veggies and fruits for dogs? Check our blog for more! Happy Eating!

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Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?