Being Kind to Nature

Scooby and Brother Zachy Planning our Birdy Rehab

Mom and I have pretty much a birdy sanctuary in our back yard. Mom puts seeds, nuts, fruit and water out daily for the birdies, bunnies and the one squirrel.  It looks like a Snow White kinda breakfast.  Doves and sparrows play and sleep all day, Mommy Crow teaches her annual baby how to eat……it’s a backyard paradise!

This week we’ve had both…….

Dovey – one of our mourning doves flew into a chimney and not only got knocked out but she richoted under a fence.  Mom heard the whole thing and went to see what happened and found her.  Getting her out without further injury was tricky.  Then, keeping her warm in towels and finger feeding her drops of water was next.  When birdy’s fly into Windows, etc., it’s important to warm them up in a towel to keep them warm so they don’t go into shock.  Then, call a bird rescue so you can find out what to do next.  Drops of water from your finger once they are more awake is helpful but be careful so it doesn’t go down the wrong way.  I watched Mom do all this for 3 hours after work.  Wow!

Our injured Fwiend, Dovey

Dovey Getting some Fresh AIr to see if Wants to Fly

But, sometimes a birdy gets injured or sick.  

Dovey wasn’t up for Flyin’ so Spending the night On our Dining Room Table

Anyhoo, after a few after-hour phonecalls, a trip to the pet store to get a cage, an overnight b&b for Dovey complete with birdseed and water was ready for move-in!  After a full nights sleep, Dovey had a little breakfast and water the next morning eventually flew off.  Success! She came back to visit Mom 2 days later too!

2nd Fly Try next Morning before Mom taking to Rescue before Workie

Mom is ALSO trying to help our long-time birdy Fwiend, Mommy Crow. She’s had a deformed  foot for 3 years which may be due to a genetic / metabolic disorder.  It’s really hard on the crow that has it.  Mommy Crow has done pretty well with it and has raised 3 birdies in the last 3 years.  This year it’s been pretty tough on her and she’s using our back yard as her “safe” place.  

Mom’s happy for her but now I can’t hang out in my backyard whenever I want. I guess we all make sacrifice to help out.  Mom’s been cutting fruit, scrambling eggs, adding more water and giving her sardines and cat food. Anything to keep her energy up.  

We’re really hoping she’s just exhausted from raising her baby but, she’s sleeping most of her afternoons in our grass and flowerbeds.  We hope you get better soon, Mommy Crow!

