Are Olives Bad for Dogs?

Are Olives Bad for Dogs
Are Olives Bad for Dogs

One of Mom’s FAV ingredient on salads, pizza and pasta are olives – especially Kalamata! Olives are popular in Mediterranean dishes but are enjoyed around the world! Did you know olives have ancient beginnings? According to Wikipedia, fossil evidence indicates the olive tree had its origins 20–40 million years ago in the Oligocene, in what is now corresponding to Italy and the eastern Mediterranean Basin. The edible olive fruit seems to have coexisted with humans for about 5,000 to 6,000 years, going back to the early Bronze Age (3150 to 1200 BC)! Olives can be traced to the Levant based on written tablets, olive pits, and wood fragments found in ancient tombs. Wowza! Humans have been enjoying olives furever! But, are Olives Bad for Dogs?

Can Dog Eat Olives?

In general, yes, dogs can have olives – in small amounts and in specific circumstances. The AKC states that olives can be safe in small quantities and are not toxic to dogs. Olives do pose some risks for your pups that you should know about before sharing this tasty Mediterranean treat with your pup so keep reading…

Are Olives Safe for Dogs?

An occasional Plain, Pitted Olive is generally safe for your dog, but check the labels. Olives are often preserved in highly salted liquid. Salt in high content is extremely toxic to dogs. Olives are also sometimes preserved with garlic and herbs. Garlic and some of these other ingredients are also toxic to dogs.

Olives are full of healthy fats and proteins but too many olives can add unnecessary calories to your dog’s diet. An occasional olive or two, however, won’t hurt your pup!

Can Olives Make Dogs Sick?

In addition to excessive salt and potentially dangerous other ingredients, olives which may be expired may have a mold which is also toxic to dogs. Olive pits are also highly dangerous for dogs! Olive pits (also know as stones) can:

  • Block airways and cause choking
  • Create obstructions by lodging in your pup’s intestinal tract
  • Crack your dog’s teeth

Do Olives Give Dogs Diarrhea?

Olive pits can easily cause obstructions and lead to vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, bloating, pain and weakness. Never allow your dog to eat olive stones or pits!

Are Black Olives Bad for Dogs?

Olives of all colors are just variations of the maturity of the olive. The color of the olive is irrelevant as long as the olives are plain, low salt and pitted.

Health Benefit of Black Olives

Health Benefits of Black Olives
Health Benefits of Black Olives

Black olives are allowed to ripen on the tree. They are also soaked in a lye solution to leach out natural bitterness, then brine-cured. As mentioned above, the color of the olive isn’t critical. It’s most important to make sure they are plain with very limited salt content.

According to WebMD, some human studies have shown that olives may protect against osteoporosis, in which bones become brittle or weak. Olives are also rich in vitamin E, which can improve skin health and help immune systems. Olives contain the compound oleocanthal which is also crucial in fighting cancer cells.

In Summary, Are Olives Bad for Dogs?

While olives do have health properties in which some extend to our pups, olives also pose significant health risks. The “pitfalls” (pun intended) really aren’t worth the dangers.

We say SKIP olives as a treat unless it’s an occasional one or two which is plain and low salt.

Be sure to check out our previous posts to see what other human foods are safe and dangerous for dogs!

Are Olives Bad for Dogs
Are Olives Bad for Dogs