Welcome to So. OC – AKA “The Oven”

Scooby on his morning Walkie at Salt Creek Beach

Boy, It’s been HOT!!!!  Just when we thought we were done with the heat in August, it really heated up Labor Day Weekend in So. OC for a week!  I’ve been too beat to blog!  I’ve been doing a whole lot of laying on cool floors and in front of the fans.  The kitties too!

Brother Zachy and Sister Lovey Staying cool with a Fan

Pretty much the only thing Mom and I could do on the weekeds is get to the beach early before it got hot (by 8am!).  Geesh.  Today it’s a bit better thank goodness!  

Big Tip……..point a fan on your pup’s dog bed to keep the air moving – this really helped me.  I’ll be back to blogging as soon as I cool down.  I hope you enjoy our pics of how we are trying to stay cool!

Big hugs,


Scooby Smith and Mom