…AND available in Scooby’s PawVenture Gear Store!
Zachy’s been working his paws off to make sure Scooby’s latest gear met quality standards befitting of Scooby and they are both happy to announce the first shipment passed inspection and are guaranteed to bring you joy all Summer and throughout the year!
What is the latest gear you ask? It’s Scooby’s 100% Cotton Custom, Eco-Friendly Illustrated Bandana which features Scooby and Froggy enjoying Scooby’s beloved Mountain Hikes and includes some of Scooby’s favorite things…fish, snow capped mountains, streams, deer and so much more! As a very special memorial, we included our Beautiful Fwiend Cabella Smith – Princess of the Eastern Sierra!
Now Scooby, Froggy and Cabella can be your PawVenture guides wherever you go! Our bandanas are made for humans but perfect for the whole family and fur kids! We currently offer 3 colors but are happy to add new colors upon request. Wear them as is or color them with permanent markers to add your own flair!
Tip: Do you want to plan a PawCation but not sure how to start? Check our ESSENTIALS FOR YOUR BEST DOG FRIENDLY VACATION page for our guidance!
We can’t wait to see your PawVentures with your Scoobylife bandana! Email YOUR photos to mom@theScoobylife so we can share with all da Fwiends!
Happy PawVentures!