30 Day Perfect Pup by Zak George – How Was Week 4?

Ella and Luna Dog Training on Walks
Ella and Luna Dog Training on Walks

It’s already Week 4 of Zak George and Pupford’s Free 30 Day Perfect Pup Dog Training Tutorial! How is it going? Are you and you Pup having fun? Are you bonding deeper through Commands, Eye Contact, Correction and Praise? .

Week 4 was all about leash walking. This can be a real challenge for so many dogs – new puppies, dogs who pull, dog’s who see squirrels and rabbits (Ella’s pitfall) and adult dogs who have never gone on proper walks in public.

It’s great for dogs to run around in the yard and play but practicing good leash technique and behavior is so vital so your pup can enjoy the world beyond their yard and be good doggy citizens (as we furSmiths like to call it)! Start your leash training slow! Practice in the house, garage and yard before you go prime time!

There’s only 2 more days to go in the 30 Day Perfect Pup Course! Use the remainder of the week to reflect what’s going Pawsome and what needs work and mix them up so your pup gets praise as well as correction when needed!

We can’t wait to see how you’re doing! Tag us @theScoobylife on social media!

Want more Train Your Dog at Home Guidance? Check out our Scoobylife Train Your Dog At Home Tutorials!